81% Of Students Attend Private Schools Rated Good Or Higher In Dubai: KHDA Report

A total of 23 schools in Dubai were rated 'Outstanding' in the latest KHDA rating

Update: 2024-06-22 06:05 GMT

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) released the Dubai school inspection ratings on Friday. As per the report, 81% of students in the emirate attend private schools rated 'Good' or higher. A total of 209 schools in Dubai were inspected by the KHDA during the academic year 2023–24.

A total of 23 schools in Dubai were rated 'Outstanding' in the latest KHDA rating. Also, 48 schools were rated 'Very Good', 85 'Good', and 51 'Acceptable', while two were rated 'Weak', with no schools rated as 'Very Weak'. It is worth mentioning that 26 schools improved their overall judgement, while the ratings of three schools declined. The report indicates that the number of students attending schools rated 'Good' or better has increased to 292,158, compared to 244,868 in the previous academic year. 

The report also highlighted that 90% of schools improved in one or more quality indicators. Of these, 67% are related to student outcomes and 26% to schools’ provisions for learners. Fatma Belrehif, CEO of the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau (DSIB), said that private schools continue to achieve significant improvements in the quality of their overall performance. "We are committed to work with our education community to raise the quality of education in Dubai and align with the future goals of Dubai,” the CEO added. 


Writer - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

Editor - അഖിൽ തോമസ്

Web Journalist, MediaOne

By - Web Desk


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